Friday 13 May 2016

Navamsha D9 Chart
May 9, 2016
Shri R. Mehta

The most common use of the Navamsha Chart is to assess the strength of a planet. Generally a well placed planet and in status in navamsha chart is considered strong and gives auspicious results. Planet exalted in the navamsha chart is considered best even when it is debilitated in the birth chart. Any planet debilitated in the navamsha chart gives bad results even when it is exalted in the birth chart. A vargottam planet is strong. It gives name and fame. Even a debilitated vargottam planet gives wealth and fame but with some problems like health and mental tensions. Planets placed in the signs of benefics are strong. Planets in navamsha occupying the signs of kendra/trikona of the birth chart are auspicious. The navamsha is further classified as Dhrid, Dhrid-adhrid and Adridh. The fixed sign in navamsha are dhrid,  the dual are dhrid-adhrid and the movable signs are adridh. The prarabdh signified by the dhrid cannot be changed, those signified by duals can be changed with effort and the one signified by movable signs can be changed with little effort.

The Navamsha is also considered a very important chart by Sage Parashara. It signifies the second half of a persons life or life after marriage aswell. I have seen several charts with excellent placement of planets in the birth chart and extremely poor placement in the navamsha chart, in these cases the later half of a person's life or how the person becomes is clearly seen.

How to Analyze the Navamsha Chart?

Navamsha is a specific chart for marriage and marriage related matters. It can be be seen independently for analyzing marriage of a person.

First House of Navamsha: Lagna of navamsha is the major consideration for marriage. A strong lagna and lagna lord gives marriage.

Second House of Navamsha: Wealth and speech in marriage, longevity of spouse can be seen from this house. An afflicted second house is not welcome as it gives tension in the married life.

Third House of Navamsha Chart: The efforts required to keep the marriage going are seen from the third house of the navamsha chart. A malefic is welcome but it shows great efforts needed to keep the marriage intact. A benefit placed here needs no effort to sustain the marriage but gives a carefree attitude.

Fourth House of Navamsha Chart: The happiness of the married life is seen from this house. It shows the enjoyment of marriage. A malefic like Rahu or Ketu  do not see the happiness in a married life even if happiness is present.

Fifth House of Navamsha Chart: Intelligence of married life is seen from the fifth house of the navamsha chart. This hows shows the thought process one has towards marriage. An afflicted fifth house carries bad intensions and is the spark to ruin the marriage. A benefit fifth house can avert an ugly situation. 

Sixth House of Navamsha Chart: The conflicts and problems faced in marriage are seen from the sixth house of the Navamsha chart. A strong 6th house has no conflicts and the married life is smooth.

Seventh House of Navamsha Chart: This house is all about the marriage partner. A well associated seventh house gives a good life partner. 
an afflicted seventh house or a malefic in this house is not welcome as it gives a bad life partner. Rahu in this house shows marriage with a foreigner.

Eight House of Navamsha Chart: The longevity of marriage is seen from the eight house of the navamsha chart. Accidents and happening, secret relationships outside of marriage are seen here.

Ninth House of Navamsha Chart: The religious aspect of marriage is seen from the ninth house of the Navamsha Chart. If this house is spoiled by malefics or trik lords it takes away the very essence of trust in a marriage.

Tenth House of Navamsha Chart: The actions of married life are seen from the 10th house of the navamsha chart. A benefit tenth house gives auspicious ceremonies. It is the duties one has to perform in the married life. An afflicted tenth house tends to give undesirable  actions which can be forced upon the marriage.

Eleventh House of Navamsha Chart: Lust of the married life is seen from the eleventh house of the navamsha chart. Demands of the spouse etc are also seen here. Malefic relations give a spouse who is never satisfied in his/her materialistic desires.

Twelfth House of Navamsha Chart: Losses suffered, separation, confinement etc are seen from the twelfth house of the navamsha chart. It also shows the sexual pleasures of marriage. Affliction to the 12th house gives no fulfilment of sexual desires.

Article provided courtesy of
(C) Ocean Of Vedic Astrology

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