Monday 2 May 2016

Rahu conjunction with Moon

Planets placed with another planet in the same house are called conjunctions. Below are some effects of conjunction of Moon with Rahu in the natal chart:

Rahu Conjunction with Moon:
Rahu in the north node of moon and Moon itself reflects the mind of a person. Rahu conjunction with Moon in a birth chart is called Grahan dosha or eclipse. This person has a good personality that is well received by the public. This aspect provides great internal emotional satisfaction for these people. In our opinion, Moon Conjunction with Rahu makes it a more familiar territory than other aspects. Women will play an important role in this department of the persons life. Sometimes it has been seen that wherever this conjunction occurs the native never gets complete satisfactory results as well. This depends on the sign and the house the graham dosha occurs. Like for example if a moon conjunction with rahu occurs in  the 12th house in Libra the native has problems sleeping at night. Natives who have this conjunction have often been seen to have issues with concentration and memory as moon and both its nodes reflect effect the mind of native.

Article provided courtesy of


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