Saturday 30 April 2016

Planetary Combinations causing Heart Diseases

Planetary Combinations causing Heart Diseases

In Vedic Astrology the Planets Sun and Moon or Conjunctions with them  or Aspects by them cause heart diseases. In Zodiac the 4th House which is cancer and 5th house that is Leo control the heart and heart related diseases in the human body. The Planet Mercury controls the nervous system in the human body. Mars causes excessive flow of blood through heart due to high pressure while Saturn causes interruptions in the function of heart causing pains. Rahu causes irregular heart activities while Ketu causes sudden heart block. Saturn and Rahu are well known enemies for Moon and Sun.

Affliction from all three ascendants(Lagan, Moon & Sun Lagna) in the horoscope of respective houses, Sign and their lords, significator of heart disease planets with the malefic or 6th, 8thand 12th houses and their lords are responsible for heart diseases. 

Below are some known planetary combinations causing heart diseases:

  • In Aries ascendants the planet sun or conjunction of sun or aspects to the sun in the 8th house causes heart diseases. If placed with jupiter in the 8th house with Sun and Mercury the native may have diabetes and heart related diseases.
  • For Sagittarius Ascendants if the ascendant lord jupiter is placed with sun and venus in the 2nd house of capricorn it causes an irregular heart beats. In some cases the native may have an extra heart beat.
  • Cancer ascendant lorn moon is placed in 3rd house and sun is placed in the 8th house on its own or conjunct with mercury the native has heart related diseases.
  • If Malefic planets like Saturn, Mars, Rah and Ketu placed in 4th house, any debilitated planets in 4th house or in cancer sign or 6th, 8th and 12th house Lord in 4th house can cause frequent chest pain.
  • If 4th or 5th lord is occupying 6th, 8th &12th house and aspect or conjunct with malefic planets or combust by being conjunct with sun, person will have suffer from heart disease.
  • Malefic (Saturn, Mars, Rah and Ketu) placed in both 4th and 5th houses of a horoscope or placed in cancer and leo signs.
  • In Navamsa chart, 4th lord (of Rasi chart) occupies enemic houses or conjunct malefic planets will give frequent mental disturbances and fast heart beating problem.
  • If Sun and Moon are debiliated, placed in 6th, 8th or 12th house or aspect by malefic planets or occupies Saturn’s houses (Capricorn, Aquarius) in both Rasi and Navamsa charts,   will also cause heart problem. This person will collapse on hearing bad or any shocking news.
  • Saturn and Sun conjunction in 4th or 5th house or aspect them, will cause low blood pressure and weak heart. These persons panic easily under crisis and few of them will faint easily.
  • If Rahu & Moon together in 1st or 7th house and if Saturn occupies either of 1, 4,7,10 houses, person’s can suffer from heart disease.
  • Jupiter and Sun placed in 4th or 5th house or aspect them, will cause high blood pressure and heart attacks.
  • If any PARIVARTAN YOGA with planets Sun and Saturn occur, for example Sun placed in Aquarius sign and Saturn in Leo Sign in the same chart then the native has more chances to die from heart attack.
  • If Sun or Moon is being 6th house Lord (house of disease)placed in 4th house and aspect or conjunction with any malefic planets, then more chance of heart attack. 
  • If Lagna lord is weak and conjunct with Rahu or any malefic planets in 4th house or in cancer sign, will give fear of death through heart attacks.

There are several vedic remedies which may help in curing, controlling or avoiding heart related diseases. For chart analysis related to health issues and remedial measures please book a consultation click here.

Article provided courtesy of


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