Saturday 30 April 2016

Rahu & Ketu in Houses

Rahu & Ketu in Houses

Whenever Rahu will be in the first house, Ketu will naturally be in the seventh house. Their results are complimentary. So when we deal with Rahu in the first house, no separate delineation of Ketu in the seventh house is necessary. We must recognize the law of cause and effect even though we may feel that the fact of reincarnation is not proved yet.

Rahu is the giver, Ketu is the taker, and since giving and taking are results of former action, we may more clearly see the justice in present gains and loses as indicated by the house position of Rahu and Ketu. Rahu unafflicted attracts blessings according to the house it occupies, while Ketu robs us of coveted prizes. 

Wherever Ketu happens to fall in the fall in the natal chart, that area of the chart will need more effort from the person than the opposite area. Rahu and Ketu do better in 3, 6, 10 and 11 houses. Cases of abortions, still births death of children, happiness from children, all come within the purview of Rahu and Ketu influences.

Rahu in First House: This position often signifies that the personal values are more important than general public or partnership values. This person needs to learn to do things for himself/herself, to rely on his/her own initiative. The native will need to accomplish things through the power of his/her personality and develop self-sufficiency. Partnership activities are often a drag for them in many ways however they need to learn to cope with it. Other people or partnerships become a medium of learning experiences without choice for the natives in whose Rasi birth chart Rahu is placed in the first house and ketu is placed in the seventh house.

Rahu in Second House:  Rahu in second house and Ketu in 8th house often signifies unusual financial activities or abilities to deal with earnings managing the native's  own resources. They need to learn  to abide by their own resources as it is an inborn instinct for them to depend upon others finances and resources. The native must fulfil his own resources if his destiny is to be fulfilled. These natives must try to stay away from credit matters and other's resources as mush as possible. If afflicted, years of affluence are followed by years of privation, these natives need to ensure they make sound investments to provide for the less productive and slow periods.

Rahu in Third House:Rahu in 3rd house and Ketu in 9th house. This condition often signifies unusual intellectual ability to share the natives sense of awareness in his life with those in his social environment and receive from their sense of awareness and impressions. Excellent relationship with brother and sisters are noticed. Benefits from travel and short moves are often notices in their life. If afflicted, pleasure through short journeys and neighbouring cities is denied. Extreme view on national  problems are expressed. Ketu in the 9th house in Sagittarius is good for spirituality but bad for worldly luck and good fortune.

Rahu in Fourth House: Rahu in 4th house ketu in 10th house. Benefit comes through a parent, probably the mother. Gain is made through immovable property or mineral wealth. For some reason, home or domestication is highly significant in their life. There may be a problem in connection with a parent or an imbalance in their love for them, loving one more or it could give loss of one at an early age. Career is given a second priority in their life, although they have strong self displaying ego, circumstances may not give them the opportunity to be prominent in their field.

Rahu in Fifth House: Rahu in 5th house ketu in 11th house. This condition often signifies close relationship with the children. The native needs to learn to learn to use his/her heart and become attached  in a very personal way. He needs to love deeply and intensely on a one-to-one basis. They have fairly good success in love/romance, but regarding friendships they may have some disappointments. Pleasure through social interaction and events. Speculative gains are shown, unless heavily afflicted. These natives must develop a great desire to be creative in some endeavour.

Rahu in Sixth House: Rahu in 6th house ketu in 12th house. The recuperative powers are great and health can be regained through fasting and avoiding excesses. This condition often signifies work related areas and their importance in life. With this position he needs to learn to work and be of service to others. For spiritual growth, this a very good position of Rahu. Afflictions reduce the time available for spiritual studies and increase health difficulties. Ketu in the 12th house of sagittarius is bad for worldly pleasures, like comforts of the bedroom but very good for moksha or salvation, meaning release from repeated cycle of births and deaths. 

Rahu in Seventh House: Rahu in 7th house Ketu in 1st house or lagna. This condition often signifies that marriage or partnership activities are extremely important in the natives life. Marriage or business partner is usually more mature than the native. This person has to work with a partner, to learn ones balance it takes to do this. Pleasures is obtained through contact with public. They are charming, diplomatic and polite in general expression or communication. Afflictions threatens separation from partners and law suits. Ketu in the ascendant or lagna is nor conducive to the health of the native. When afflicted, evil results may happen which may adversely affect the native's health, reputation and relation with the government. Sudden fall from position may happen.

Rahu in Eight House: Rahu in 8th house ketu in 2nd house. This position forces the person to learn to accept another's financial help. Money is obtained through partners. Legacies are promised. Sometime in his life, the native will be forced to learn the acceptance of humility of taking from others. Strong interest in occult and hidden sciences of life is noticed as a rescue from the material world. Learning from the idea of reality of death and regeneration is strongly noticed in this case. If afflicted, fear of poverty, financial losses, physical weakness according to the sign at the 8th house is indicated. If not afflicted money through inheritance is a promise to this natives.

Rahu in Ninth House: Rahu in 9th house ketu in 3rd house. When the position is not developed, they have to learn a lot of lessons from their mistakes. In many cases, they cannot even communicate their problems. This can also indicate disregard for religion. They will get involved with publication, publicity and some foreign affairs/activities in their life-time due to strange coincidences. These natives need to become more objective in their interpretations within their immediate world. Issues of brother and sisters are very destined in their life whether they want them or not they will have these issues. 

Rahu in Tenth House: Rahu in 10th house Ketu in 4th house. This condition often signifies stronger success in the profession or career area but the native will have checkered career. A vocation should be followed, sometime to the point of sacrificing home and domestic life. This means working for or with the public in some way, and he will have less time to spend on home matters. Public recognition and honours. Often difficulties during childhood bring about a mother/father complex to the native. These natives are a lot closer to their father than their mother. The first half of their life is not very enjoyable compared to the second half. When afflicted others will contrive to bring about the native's downfall.

Rahu in Eleventh House: Rahu in 11th house ketu in 5th house. This position often signifies that the person has considered friendship. Friends, in a better position than the native assist in time of need. Many hopes are realized. This person must become a true humanitarian like an aquarian. Problems and difficulties usually stem out of romances. Formation of a successful relationship is very difficult for these natives. Ketu in 5th house indicates issues with having children and difficulties relating to children and love relationships. Chances of miscarriages and death of children are seen. Afflictions create enmities and jealousies.

Rahu in Twelfth House: Rahu in 12th house ketu in 6th house. The person has a lot to learn in this life with or without individual choice and needs self sacrifice. It is helping those less fortunate, handicapped, or afflicted. In their work they are quiet methodical, practical, punctual and steady. The digestive system or problems with circulation needs attention in their case. Rahu in 12th house indicates settling in foreign land away from birth place. Problems with their digestive system and problems with circulation are often seen and need attention. Affliction sometimes results in lack of mental balance, vague imaginations and forebodings. Occult studies should be avoided by these natives at all times. 

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