Saturday, 30 April 2016

Rahu Conjunction with Sun

Rahu Conjunction with Sun

Planets placed with another planet in the same house are called conjunctions. Below are some effects of conjunction of Sun with Rahu in the natal chart:

Rahu Conjunction with Sun:
This conjunction gives advantage to the Rahu area. This aspects provides strong personal elevation wherever the Sun is located. The destiny often helps them in most ways it can during life. Responsibilites are often given to them just as they are ready with them. People do loose their mates somehow, since this automatically puts Ketu in the 7th (Marriage) house to the Sun. Rahu conjunction with Sun has been observed as a major planetary conjunction to give death by snake bites which in the modern world applies to death due to wrong medications or treatment. The presence of Rahu and Ketu along with Sun and Moon, or an association of them in any house will cause a grahan dosha or yoga. The native having this combination in his horoscope will undergo a lot of suffering and the natives mental condition is not stable. And the native undergoes a lot of troubles in the main period or dasha of Rahu and Sun.However, the location of Rahu and sun combination in a particular house will affect the results. If it is present in the eighth house, the native will have a lot of misfortunes in his life.

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